BIM Modeling for MEP Services
Building Information Modeling is the process of designing, generating and managing a digital representation of building or facility, typically represented as information rich, fully coordinated 3D building model. Accessibility through building models facilitates the use of collaborative working, offering significant benefits in the reduction time and costs, allowing clients to design, build and manage higher quality efficient building facilities.
JSE Engineering produces building services (MEP) BIM models at varying levels of detail, dependent upon our client at different phases of our project. Ranging from conceptual design models, to fully coordinated models.

We can also manage and coordinate all BIM & CAD activities throughout the project, including the coordination and integration of models developed by Architects, Structural Engineers, MEP Engineers, MEP contractors and specialist’s sub-contractors. If multiple platform integration is required throughout the project, we ensure highest level of interoperability, to effective and efficient collaboration between project teams.